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Nouveau livre sur les Calopterygidae

Libellules, agrions et autres demoiselles...

Animateur : Bertrand P

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Enregistré le : dimanche 3 juin 2007, 6:14
Localisation : Beaupréau, Maine et Loire, 49

Nouveau livre sur les Calopterygidae

Message par tioneb »

"Dear all,

I am pleased to announce the publication of a new book on dragonflies Demoiselle Damselflies – Winged Jewels of Silvery Streams authored by Sami Karjalainen and Matti Hämäläinen.
For details of the book, see http://www.caloptera.com/book.html

This book deals mainly with the diversity, ecology and behaviour of the family Calopterygidae (demoiselles or jewelwings) of the world. It also briefly introduces their closest relatives (rubyspots, satinwings and jewels) as well as providing an illustrated account of their relevance in human culture. It is not a technical book, although the text gives detailed information on their biology and diversity as well as including a checklist of the world species and a reference list totalling169 publications. A major aspect of the book is in its ca 190 photographs. Of these 90 % were taken by Sami Karjalainen. Many surpass ordinary field photos of damselflies, already available in numerous books and websites, and enter the realm of art photography. Indeed several were exhibited in an open national photographic competition covering all subjects of world class standard in Helsinki in November 2011:


It is little wonder that the publication of this book was financially supported by The Arts Council of Finland.

For the detailed contents of the book, see the attached file. Although as a co-author I am unable to comment on the literary or scientific merit of this book, I can without hesitation recommend its superb photographs to anyone interested in dragonflies, or to any nature lover. The price of the book (including postage worldwide) is 36 Euro, when ordered from the publisher at

Matti Hämäläinen
Espoo, Finland "

Je ne traduis pas car je connais votre maîtrise de l'anglais!
Et parce que ce livre est bilingue; ce qui facilite grandement les choses, puisqu'il est en anglais et ... en finlandais. On ne peut pas en vouloir aux auteurs qui sont de ce pays.

Matti Hämäläinen et A.G. Orr avaient déjà écrit un très beau bouquin sur les "Metalwing Demoiselles of the Eastern Tropics", Natural History Publications (Bornéo).
Quand on voit ce qu'on voit et qu'on entend ce qu'on entend, on n'est pas surpris de penser ce qu'on pense.
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Shashinman 13
Membre confirmé
Enregistré le : dimanche 30 octobre 2011, 14:35
Localisation : Sail-sous-Couzan (Loire)

Nouveau livre sur les Calopterygidae

Message par Shashinman 13 »

Thank you for sharing tioneb :lol: :wink:
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